Use this tab to change a site plot’s label style, to view its area or perimeter, or to change the display order of plots that it contains, including the site plot itself.
Specifies the style that is applied to the site plot.
Specifies the area label style that is applied to the site plot.
Specifying <none> hides the site plot’s area label.
Specifies the display order of plots within the site, including the site plot itself, according to the styles that are assigned to them.
The style highest in this list if first in the display order. Where plots of two different styles share a common segment, the segment appears in the style that is higher in the display order.
To change a style’s list position, select it. Click an Up or Down Arrow. You can also drag a style up or down to a new position.
Displays the area of the site plot.
Displays the perimeter of the site plot.
Specifies the user-defined property classification to use for the plots in the site. User-defined properties allow you to specify custom properties for plots.