To Enable True Curve Support in the ArcGIS Enterprise Portal

Learn how to host a True Arc layer in a database and connect to it through the ArcGIS Enterprise Portal.

To host and connect a True Arc layer in ArcGIS enterprise


  1. Connect to a database.

    It is recommended to connect by using port and database authentication.

  2. Right-click on the newly added database and click Enable Enterprise Geodatabase.

    The authorisation file was created when ArcGIS Server was authorised (the keycode file exists where the ArcGIS Server is installed. It is typically found here: C:\Program Files\ESRI\LicenseXX.X\sysgen).

    Note: If it reports the error ‘Active connections found during upgrade ERROR: Failed to enable database option READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT on SQL Server database (ArcGISTest)’, do the following.
    1. Go to SSMS Object Explorer xxx(your connected SQL Server) Databases <the newly added database>
    2. Right-click the database and select Properties Options Allow Snapshot Isolation.
    3. Set both Read Committed Snapshot on options to True.
  3. Refresh the database file.
  4. Create a Line feature class.
  5. Right-click on the feature class under Database connection and click Add to Current Map.
  6. Create a Circular Arc.
  7. Register the database in ArcGIS Enterprise Portal as Datastore. Use the .sdefile created in step1.
  8. Publish the layer in the added Datastore to the ArcGIS Enterprise Portal.

To adjust ArcGIS Server Manager settings to allow editing and syncing

If the ArcGIS Enterprise Portal is set up, an SQL database server has been created and the layer is hosted in one of the database servers. The layer is published in ArcGIS Enterprise Portal and imported into Civil3D, but it cannot be saved back.

  1. Open the online ArcGIS Server Manager.
  2. Navigate to the feature layer by selecting from folders along the left side of the application.
  3. Click Capabilities Feature Access.
  4. Select Create, Query, Update and Delete in Operations Allowed.
  5. Select Properties Allow Geometry Updates Allow update of true curves is selected.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Restart.
  8. Verify the status of the layer by checking its REST Services.
  9. Make sure Apply Edits is listed in Supported Operations and Support True Curves is listed as true.