Working With Esri ArcGIS Data
Topics in this section
About Working With ArcGIS Data
You can bring ArcGIS datasets into your
Civil 3D
drawings using the Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS, save back edited content and publish and export
Civil 3D
data for use in ArcGIS.
To Install the ArcGIS Projection Engine Data
To Bring ArcGIS Data into Civil 3D
To Configure the Schema Mapping for ArcGIS Pipe Network Data
To Apply Settings to Imported ArcGIS Data
To Manage ArcGIS Datasets in a Drawing
To Save Back Datasets to ArcGIS
To Remove ArcGIS Datasets from a Drawing
To Refresh Data from ArcGIS
To Move Civil 3D Objects to an ArcGIS Layer
To Publish Civil 3D Objects to ArcGIS
To Export Civil 3D Objects to File Geodatabase (FGDB) Format
About Roles and Privileges Required to Exchange Data with ArcGIS
To publish to ArcGIS or to save back changes to ArcGIS, you need to have an ArcGIS account and you need to be assigned a role that has certain privileges.
To Enable True Curve Support in the ArcGIS Enterprise Portal
Learn how to host a True Arc layer in a database and connect to it through the ArcGIS Enterprise Portal.
To Check If a Co-ordinate System Has an EPSG Code
Co-ordinate Systems Not Supported When Exchanging Data with ArcGIS
Some co-ordinate systems are not supported when publishing to ArcGIS or exporting to FGDB.
ArcGIS Data Exchange Command Reference
Parent topic:
File and Data Sharing