To Apply a Corridor Template to a Corridor

You can apply corridor properties from a source DWT or a DWG file to a corridor in the current drawing. You can choose to apply the corridor surfaces, slope markings and code set styles in the template to an existing corridor.

A corridor template is a DWT or a DWG file that contains one or more corridors whose properties you want to apply to other new or existing corridors.

As a best practice, import styles that you will need into the destination drawing before applying the corridor template to the corridor. For example, if a corridor in the template uses a surface style that is not in the destination drawing, import that style into the destination drawing before using the Apply Corridor Template command. If the destination drawing does not contain the required styles, error messages will be displayed in the Event Viewer when the template is applied.

To apply a corridor template

  1. Select a corridor in the drawing to which you want to apply the template.
  2. On the Corridor contextual ribbon tab, click Modify Corridor panel drop-down arrow Apply Corridor Template .
    Note: This command can also be accessed by selecting a corridor in the drawing or in the Prospector tree and then right-clicking to display the context menu and selecting Apply Corridor Template.
  3. In the Apply Corridor Template dialog box, under Corridor Template File, click the Browse button to display the Open a Corridor Template File dialog box.

    Sample DWT corridor templates named _Autodesk Civil 3D Corridor Template (Imperial).dwt and _Autodesk Civil 3D Corridor Template (Metric).dwt are installed to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2024\C3D\Help\Civil Tutorials\Drawings.

  4. Select the DWT or DWG file that you want to use as the template and click Open.
  5. In the Apply Corridor Template dialog box, under Source Corridor, select which corridor in the template drawing you want to use as the template.

    The list under Properties To Apply is populated with the surfaces, slope markings and code set styles that are used by the corridor.

  6. Select the properties that you want to apply to the selected corridor in the drawing.
  7. Click OK to apply the properties to the corridor.
  8. Note: You can also apply a corridor template to a new corridor as it is created. For more information, see To Create a Corridor.


This example uses the sample corridor template.
  1. Create a new drawing using the template drawing _Autodesk Civil 3D Corridor Template (Metric).dwt, which is located in the tutorials drawings folder, C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2024\C3D\Help\Civil Tutorials\Drawings.
  2. In Toolspace, on the Prospector tab, expand the Corridors collection.
  3. Right-click Standard Corridor (Metric) Properties to display the Corridor Properties dialog box.
  4. Click the Gradient Markings tab. Check Index 1 and its feature line1 (Hinge), feature line2 (Daylight_Fill) and slope marking style (Standard).
  5. Close the Corridor Properties dialog box.
  6. Open Corridor-5c.dwg which is located in the tutorials drawings folder.
  7. In Toolspace, on the Prospector tab, right-click on Corridor - (1) Apply Corridor Template to display the Apply Corridor Template dialog box.
  8. Click Browse to open the Open a Corridor Template File dialog box.
  9. By default, you will be directed to the tutorials drawings folder. Select _Autodesk Civil 3D Corridor Template(Metric).dwt and click Open.
  10. Under Source Corridor, select Standard Corridor (Metric).
  11. Under Properties to Apply, click to clear the selection of all properties and then select Slope Markings Index: 1.
  12. Click OK.

    The Index: 1 slope marking is applied to Corridor - (1).