To Create a Corridor

  1. Click Home tabCreate Design panelCorridor Find.
  2. On the left side of the Create Corridor dialog box, specify the following parameters:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Corridor Style (corridor element display)
    • Code Set Style (link, point and shape code display)
    • Corridor Layer
    • Corridor Template
    • Target Surface
  3. Specify any alignments, profiles or assemblies to be included in the corridor. A new row is added for additional alignments when selected.
    Use the following tools at the top of the dialog box to help you select multiple alignments, profiles and assemblies:
    • Pick from Drawing. Manually select one or more alignments in the drawing. Press Enter when finished.
    • Insert. Adds a new row for additional alignments.
    • Delete. Deletes the currently selected alignment row.
    Note: If <none> is specified for an assembly, the corridor will be created without any regions or assemblies. You can then add regions and assemblies using the Corridor Section Editor.
  4. Specify any feature lines and assemblies to be included in the corridor. A new row is added for additional feature lines when selected. The selection filter can help narrow your selection options from the feature line drop menus.
    Tip: Use an asterisk (*) as a wild card. For example, kerb* would list named feature lines such as kerb01, kerb line or kerbside. This filter will also limit your selections when manually picking lines in the drawing.
    Use the following tools at the top of the dialog box to help you select multiple feature lines and assemblies:
    • Pick from Drawing. Manually select one or more feature lines in the drawing. Press Enter when finished.
    • Insert. Adds a new row for additional feature lines.
    • Delete. Deletes the currently selected feature line row.
    Note: If <none> is specified for an assembly, the corridor will be created without any regions or assemblies. You can then add regions and assemblies using the Corridor Section Editor.
  5. Select Set Baseline and Region Parameters to add multiple baselines and regions, or modify the default frequencies or start and end chainages.
    Note: If Set Baseline and Region Parameters is not selected, skip Steps 6 and 7.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Baseline and Region Parameters dialog box, you can assign assembly frequencies and targets, edit the parameters in the properties table and add additional controlling baselines and regions.
    Note: If targets are required for the corridor and not set, messages are displayed in the Event Viewer. To display the Event Viewer, click GeneralUtilitiesEvent Viewer.
  8. Click OK to create the corridor.

    The corridor name is displayed in the Corridors collection on the Prospector tab.