Hiding and Unhiding Objects by Category

You can hide objects by category, the basic types of objects. For example, you can hide all lights in your scene at one time, or all shapes, or any combination of categories. By hiding all categories, your scene appears empty. Hidden objects, while not displayed, continue to exist as part of the geometry of your scene but cannot be selected.

Above: All objects displayed

Below: Lights and shapes are hidden

Hiding Geometry and Particle Systems

Geometry and particle systems have separate categories, even though particle systems are also geometry.

Effects of Hiding by Category


To hide a category of objects:

  1. Open the Display panel.
  2. Click Hide by Category, if necessary, to expand the rollout. By default, all categories are off (unhidden) on this rollout.
  3. Choose the category you want to hide. All objects of that category disappear from your scene as soon as you make the choice.

The same Hide By Category options appear on the Object Level panel of the Display Floater (Default menu: Tools menu Display Floater, or Alt menu: Edit menu Object Properties Manage Object Display ).

To unhide a category of objects: