Options for Individual Materials, Maps, and Controllers

This menu manages individual materials, maps, or controllers.



Opens a dialog that lets you rename the material.

For some groups, such as Materials and the Autodesk Material Library, this option does not appear.

Remove from Lib (or Remove from Group)

Removes the material or map from the library or group.

For some groups, such as Materials and the Autodesk Material Library, this option is unavailable.


Copy to

Displays a submenu that lists the other Material/Map Browser groups to which you can copy this material or map.

  • [list of existing libraries] Copies the material or map to the library you choose.

    To appear on the submenu, the library must be open in the Material/Map Browser

  • Temporary Library Copies the material or map to a Temporary Library.

    The Temporary Library is saved with your 3ds Max scene, but it is not saved elsewhere unless you save it as a MAT file, under a different name.

  • New Material Library Copies the material or map to a new library.

    When you choose New Material Library, the Browser opens a file dialog where you can give the new library a name. It saves the library as a MAT file and also opens it as a library group within the Browser.