Texture Object Mask

Use the Texture Object Mask to position and animate textures using another object as a mask. By positioning a control object against other objects, you can quickly and accurately place unique textures without having to adjust material IDs nor update UV mapping. Once in position, animate a material’s location by animating the parameters of the control object. Size, location, rotation or any other defining parameters of the control object will have a direct impact on all materials within its influence. Textures can be applied across multiple objects at once.

Note: Texture Object Mask is not supported by the ART renderer.



Control Object
Selects a control object from the scene. Can be a plane, box or sphere.
Selects the color of the material to be placed above the surface of the plane or inside the box or sphere. Alternatively, enable the check box to use a selected map.
Selects the color of the material to be placed below the surface of the plane or outside the box or sphere. Alternatively, enable the check box to use a selected map.
Transition Range
Sets a transition for blending the colors or maps.
Transition Bias
Expands or contracts the masked area.
Transition Displacement
Displaces the masked area with a selected map.


To use an object as a texture mask:

  1. Create a plane, box or sphere to use as a mask in the scene.
  2. In the Parameters rollout, click the Control Object button and pick the plane, box or sphere.
  3. Select the colors and/or maps to be used with the control object.
  4. Place the object against other objects in the scene to position the texture.
    Tip: Right-click the control object and use the Object Properties dialog to turn off rendering and/or visibility.
  5. Move and transform the control object to create animated textures.