Checker Map

Applies a two-color checkerboard pattern to the material. Checker maps are 2D procedural maps, with the default a pattern of black and white squares. The component checkers can be either colors or maps.

Checker map used for the tablecloth and (in a composite) for the floor of the ice-cream shop

Tip: Turning on Noise for a Checker map can be an effective way to create irregular patterns with a natural appearance.


To change the color of one set of squares:

  1. On the Checker Parameters rollout, click a color swatch to display the Color Selector.
  2. Adjust the color.
  3. Click Close.

To use a map for one set of squares:

To soften the edge between the two checker colors:

To swap the two checker components:



Blurs the edges between the checkers. A little blurs a lot.


Switches the position of the two checkers.

Color #1

Sets the color of one of the checkers. Click to display the Color Selector.

Color #2

Sets the color of one of the checkers. Click to display the Color Selector.


Selects a map to use within the area of the checker color. For example, you could put an additional checkerboard within one of the checker colors.

The checkboxes enable or disable their associated map.