Shader Basic Parameters Rollout

The Shader Basic Parameters rollout lets you choose the type of shader to use with a Standard material. Some additional controls affect how the material appears.


To set a material's shading type:

  1. On the Shader Basic Parameters rollout, open the shader drop-down list.
  2. Click the name of the shader type to use for the active material.

To use Wire mode:


[shader drop-down list]

Chooses a shader. The material's Basic Parameters rollout changes to show the controls for the shader you choose.

These are the basic material shaders:

  • Anisotropic: For surfaces with elliptical, "anisotropic" highlights
  • Blinn (The default): For rounder, softer highlights than Phong shading
  • Metal: For metallic surfaces
  • Multi-Layer: For surfaces with more complex highlights than Anisotropic
  • Oren-Nayar-Blinn: For matte surfaces such as fabric or terra cotta
  • Phong: For surfaces with strong, circular highlights
  • Strauss: For metallic and nonmetallic surfaces
  • Translucent: Lets you specify translucency, where light is scattered as it passes through the material

Renders the material in wireframe mode. You can set the size of the wire in Extended Parameters.


Makes the material 2-sided. Applies the material to both sides of selected faces.

Face Map

Applies the material to the faces of the geometry. If the material is a mapped material, it requires no mapping coordinates. The map is automatically applied to each facet of the object.


Renders each face of a surface as if it were flat.