Shellac Material

Shellac material mixes two materials by superimposing one over the other. Colors in the superimposed material, called the "shellac" material, are added to colors in the base material. A Shellac Color Blend parameter controls the amount of color mixing.

Top: Base material

Middle: Shellac material

Bottom: Materials combined with a shellac color blend value of 50%

Note: If even one sub-material has its shading set to Wire (see Shader Basic Parameters Rollout), the entire material displays and renders as a wire material.


Base Material

Click to choose or edit the Base sub-material. By default, the Base material is a Standard material with Blinn shading.

Shellac Material

Click to choose or edit the Shellac material. By default, the Shellac material is a Standard material with Blinn shading.

Shellac Color Blend

Controls the amount of color mixing. At 0.0, the Shellac material has no effect. Increasing the Shellac Color Blend value increases the amount of Shellac material color blended into the Base material color. There is no upper limit on this parameter. Large values "overload" the Shellac material colors. Default=0.0.

You can animate this parameter.