To Batch Render Several Jobs

  1. Start 3ds Max.
  2. Start Backburner Manager.

    The Backburner Manager window appears. Its window displays the words: “Starting Network Manager.”

  3. Start Backburner Server.

    The Backburner Server window appears. Its window displays the words: “Starting Backburner Server,” followed by additional startup messages.

  4. In 3ds Max, load the first scene you want rendered.
  5. Activate the viewport you want rendered, then on the toolbar click (Render Setup).
  6. Set up the various rendering parameters as you would if you were rendering only this scene.
  7. From the Target drop-down list, choose Submit To Network Rendering.

    At this point, the Network Job Assignment dialog appears. Its main purpose is submit the current job to the Backburner Manager with all its render settings, including job name and net rendering specifics. The Backburner Manager then takes over and begins the rendering process.