To Render Separate Elements

Rendering to elements lets you separate various types of information in the rendered output into individual image files. This can be useful when you work with some image-processing, compositing, and special-effects software.

  1. Click (Render Setup).
  2. Go to the Render Elements panel.
  3. Click Add to add the elements you want to render.
  4. On the Render Elements dialog, do one of the following:
    • Highlight the name of an element, and then click OK.
    • Double-click the name of an element.

      If you have assigned a file name for the entire rendering, the new element is assigned a file name automatically. Otherwise, use the (Browse) button in the Selected Element Parameters group to assign an output file name and file type for the element rendering.

  5. If you have chosen elements (such as Blend or Z Buffer) that have additional parameters, adjust these parameters on the appropriate rollout.
    Tip: You can use the Enable button (on the Selected Element Parameters rollout) to disable individual elements for a particular rendering pass.
  6. Make sure Elements Active (at the top of the Render Elements rollout) is turned on.
  7. Click Render.

    As they render, the elements are displayed on the desktop, each in its own window. (The windows cascade on top of each other.)