To Assign Network Jobs

  1. In the Job Name field, either accept the default name (the name of the scene), or specify a new one.
  2. Click the Connect button to connect 3ds Max to the Manager. After a moment, your TCP/IP address appears in the field over the window, and the Server appears in the window.
  3. Click the server in the window so that its icon displays a green circle with an arrow through it.
  4. Click the Submit button.
    Note: Each job should have a unique output file name and/or path to avoid overwriting output files. If you get an alert dialog that says, "Another job is using the same output name…," you can click the No button, click Cancel to exit the Network Job Assignment dialog, and then change the output name and/or path. Otherwise, you can click the Yes button and let the job overwrite the frames from the other job in the queue.
  5. The Job Assignment dialog goes away, and the rendering begins. The Manager reports: “Job (job name) submitted.” The Server reports that it has received the job, and then begins reporting each frame it’s completed.
  6. At this point, you can open the next scene to be rendered, and then repeat the steps, beginning with step 4 in the previous procedure.

    If you need to monitor the batch render processes, you can use the Backburner monitor for that purpose. (See “Understanding the Backburner Monitor” in the Autodesk Backburner User Guide at