There will be four doors revolving around the central hub. You have one door so far, and you will make three instances of the door to complete the wheel.
Set up the lesson:
Center the pivot point:
Before you clone the door, you center its pivot point so it will rotate around the origin.
Viewports display the door's pivot point, which is at the base of the door and at the side of the cylinder.
This right-click menu is called the quad menu. You can use it to access tools from the toolbar and command panel for quicker workflow. You can even customize it to keep your favorite tools right under your fingertips.
This moves the pivot point for the door to the origin, (0,0,0), which is also the pivot point for the cylinder.
Now you can transform the door itself once more.
Create the cloned doors:
On the toolbar, the Angle Snap button highlights.
Holding down Shift as you transform an object serves as a quick way to clone the object.
Now there are four doors within the enclosure.
Clone the door to create a wheel of doors.
Change the hub back into a cylinder:
The hub now resembles a cylinder rather than a box.
Save your work: