Rendering Your First Scene

This tutorial leads you through a simple example of how to render a scene in Maya using Arnold.

It assumes you have already:

Note how the renderer options are organized in groups (this is discussed further in sub-topics of the Arnold Render Settings topic).

…and the render is black. Don't panic! We just need to add some lights.

You may need to move the light to see the shadow better.

You can also address the 'too dark' issue by either altering the intensity of the light or changing the Exposure attribute. You should choose intensities (and the scale of the model) accordingly, and then use the exposure setting to fine-tune.

The result of all these changes is available instantly in the Arnold RenderView window, so you work interactively changing materials and lighting without having to re-render to see the effect of your changes (simply wait slightly longer for a better quality render if you've got things set up correctly).

That's the end of this short introductory tutorial. Now that you know how to assign and edit Arnold shaders, and alter Arnold settings of lights, it might be useful to play around with various settings for a few minutes before reading on.

Once you have finished this tutorial, try exploring some of the learning sample scenes and have a go at rendering them too. There is also another introduction to MtoA tutorial here.