Color shaders

Further Reading
See Shading in the Arnold User Guide for the full shader documentation.

Below are the color correction nodes available in MtoA.

Color Convert

The color_convert node allows you to convert input color from one of the following color spaces to another: RGB and HSV.

Color Correct

The color_correct node allows you to adjust the gamma, hue, saturation, contrast, and exposure of an image. Alters the Input color with the following operator, applied in the same order as the parameters.

Color Jitter

The color_jitter shader enables you to alter the input color by applying a random color variation. For each of the following parameters, you can specify the range of hue, saturation, and gain (HSV) for the random colors. The seed is used to get a different random variation.


Combines RGB and alpha inputs to output an RGBA by default. Additionally, there are parameters to shuffle the channels, to choose which of the R, G, B, A input channels go to which R, G, B, A output channels, and parameters to negate the colors. This node could be useful for example with normal or vector displacement maps that have a different channel convention.