Tx Manager

TX Manager window. Multiple tx files with different color spaces can be generated for the same source file.

The 'Tx Manager' can be used to automate the process of converting Maya texture files and Ai Image files to .tx file format directly within Maya. It enables the conversion of textures from within the current scene or all of the textures within a folder (and its subfolders). You can also specify if you want to convert specific textures. The Tx Manager can be accessed from both the Arnold menu and the MtoA shelf.


More information about the use of .tx can be found on the maketx page.


Searches the current scene for available textures and lists the texture paths in the Tx Manager window.

Select all

Selects all of the available texture files within the scene.

Select Untiled

Selects all textures that have not been processed as .tx files.

Select Missing

Selects all textures that have missing files.

Allows you to replace all selected textures with images found in a select folder and its subfolders. This feature is the same as in the native Texture Manager's Relink function.


Use Scene Textures

This shows the file textures that exist within the current Maya scene.

Click the file pathname to view the texture in the Attribute Editor

Use Folder Textures

Uses the textures files that exist within the 'Textures Folder'.

Scene Options

Set options for finding textures in the current Maya scene.

Scan attributes

A list of node types and attributes to scan for file texture paths.


Add a new node type and attribute to search for in the scene.


Remove the selected attribute from the list.

TX Options

Enables you to add parameters to the conversion process. The default parameter uses the flags -u (update image) and --oiio (OpenImageIO).


Only update .tx files if there is a new version of the input texture.


Show information on the conversion of the texture to .tx.

Check NaNs

Check for and warn for Nan values in the source texture.

Print statistics on the output .tx file.


Unpremult the input texture before conversion.


The number of CPU threads to use for the conversion.


Choose a pre-defined preset of options, Arnold always adds --oiio to the maketx options.

Extra args

Add any custom arguments that maketx accepts from the maketx options.

Available maketx options

flag description
--help Print help message
-v Verbose status messages
-o %s Output filename
--threads %d Number of threads (default: #cores)
-u Update mode
--format %s Specify output file format (default: guess from extension)
--nchannels %d Specify the number of output image channels.
-d %s Set the output data format to one of: uint8, sint8, uint16, sint16, half, float
--tile %d %d Specify tile size
--separate Use planarconfig separate (default: contiguous)
--fov %f Field of view for envcube/shadcube/twofish
--fovcot %f Override the frame aspect ratio. Default is width/height.
--wrap %s Specify wrap mode (black, clamp, periodic, mirror)
--swrap %s Specifiy s wrap mode separately
--twrap %s Specifiy t wrap mode separately
--resize Resize textures to power of 2 (default: no)
--noresize Do not resize textures to power of 2 (deprecated)
--filter %s Select filter for resizing (choices: box triangle gaussian catrom blackman-harris sinc lanczos3 radial-lanczos3 mitchell bspline, disk, default=box)
--nomipmap Do not make multiple MIP-map levels
--checknan Check for NaN/Inf values (abort if found).
--Mcamera %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f Set the camera matrix
--Mscreen %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f Set the camera matrix
--hash Embed SHA-1 hash of pixels in the header (deprecated. h ashes are always computed) .
--prman-metadata Add prman specific metadata
--constant-color-detect Create 1-tile textures from constant color inputs
--monochrome-detect Create 1-channel textures from monochrome inputs
--opaque-detect Drop alpha channel that is always 1.0
--stats Print runtime statistics
--mipimage %s Specify an individual MIP level
Basic modes (default is plain texture)
--shadow Create shadow map
--envlatl Create lat/long environment map
--envcube Create cubic env map (file order: px, nx, py, ny, pz, nz) (UNIMP)
Color Management Options
`--colorconvert %s %s Apply a color space conversion to the image. If the output color space is not the same bit depth as input color space, it is your responsibility to set the data format to the proper bit depth using the -d option. (choices: linear, sRGB, Rec709)
`--unpremult ``` Unpremultiply before color conversion, then premultiply after the color conversion. You'll probably want to use this flag if your image contains an alpha channel.
Configuration Presets
--oiio Use OIIO-optimized settings for tile size, planarconfig, metadata, and constant-color optimizations.
--prman Use PRMan-safe settings for tile size, planarconfig, and metadata.


Previews the currently selected arguments.

Default Options (auto tx)

Check this to use the defaults via MtoA's auto-tx options.


Create .tx for Selected

Starts the conversion of texture files to .tx file format. If canceled, this process will finish after the current file has been processed.

Remove .tx for selected

Deletes any .tx texture files associated with the selected textures.

Tx Manager supports the same file formats that maketx does: