Search for Detailed Parts in the Model

Learn how you can filter the model elements detailed as single parts and main parts.

To filter model elements detailed as single parts and main parts:

  1. In the Home tab Project panel, select (Search Filter) from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the Search and Mark Objects dialog Behavior tab, under Created drawings check the boxes for Has Single part drawing and/or Has Assembly drawing.
  3. The model elements for which single part or assembly drawings were created will be highlighted in the model according to the search filter options.
    Note: Select the elements on which you want to apply these filters in the Objects tab of the Search and Mark Objects dialog.
Important: You will notice three check boxes for each of the filter options.

For example, in order to highlight the elements that have a single part drawing created, you should check the first and third boxes, corresponding to the Has Single Part drawing option. To show the elements that do not have a single part drawing created, only check the first box.

In a similar way, use the Has Assembly drawing search filter option to highlight the main parts of assemblies which have or do not have an assembly drawing created. Only the elements that are main parts of detailed assemblies will be highlighted, but the entire assembly can be easily highlighted after that, by using the "Select marked objects" and "Display objects connected in shop" commands from the Selection category in the Advance Steel Tool Palette.

Note: You can use the two search filter options for detailed model elements at the same time, to highlight for example all the main parts that have an assembly drawing created, but are not detailed on a single part drawing.