Use the Search Filter

Find and mark elements in your 3D model.

In the Selection tool palette, click (Search filter).

Command line: _AstM4CommModelSelection

Save Search Criteria

  1. In the Selection tool palette, click (Search filter).
  2. On the General tab define the search field.
  3. Use the other tabs to define the search criteria.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the displayed dialog box, enter the name of the query and click OK.
  6. In the Search and mark objects dialog box, click OK.

The saved query appears in the Project Explorer.

Search Objects of Specific Types

  1. In the Selection tool palette, click (Search filter).
  2. On the General tab define the search field:
    • Current selection set.
    • Current marked set.
    • Complete model.
  3. On the Objects tab select the type of objects to include in the selection.
  4. Use the other tabs to define the search criteria.
  5. Click OK.

Search the Master Joint of a Group

  1. In the Selection tool palette, click (Search filter).
  2. On the General tab define the search field:
    • Current selection set.
    • Current marked set.
    • Complete model.
  3. On the Objects tab select Joint.
  4. On the Joint tab select Is master.
  5. Enable Name and enter the name of the master joint you want to find.
  6. Click OK.

The master joint connection object is highlighted in red.

To Display the Search Result in a Dialog Box

  1. In the Selection tool palette, click (Search filter).
  2. On the General tab define the search field.
  3. On the General tab, Marking area, select Show result in dialog.
  4. Use the other tabs to define the search criteria.
  5. Click OK.

The list of found elements is displayed in a dialog box.