About Working in Renovation Mode

When working in Renovation mode and following the recommended workflow, objects are automatically assigned to existing, demolition, or new categories. You can assign two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) objects to different categories, easily view the drawing as a renovation plan, demolition plan, or revision plan, and view objects by category.

In plan, section, and elevation views, 2D and 3D objects display according to the categories to which they are assigned. The display configurations are controlled by Renovation styles, and these can be customized in the Renovation Options dialog box.

With tools on the ribbon you can end Renovation mode, add objects to categories, and freeze and reset walls to make manual corrections to the edges. This Renovation ribbon panel is visible and available only while you are working in an active Renovation session.

Two-dimensional objects, blocks, and multi-view blocks keep their own display representation when Renovation mode is started and are categorized as existing objects. When you delete, modify, or create new 2D objects, they display according to the applicable Renovation category. You can explicitly assign them to a category and change their display. Objects that were already categorized in an earlier Renovation phase keep their category and representation. Objects that are created new in active Renovation mode, are automatically marked as New.

When an object is selected and a command such as Delete, Move, Rotate, and Copy is initiated, objects are assigned to categories and displayed based on the command. For example, pressing Delete identifies objects as Demolition, and moving a door creates both a new and a demolition door and the corresponding wall openings. Existing and new walls automatically clean up with each other; however, demolition and new objects do not interact.