To Offset New Walls From Existing Walls

Use this procedure to add copies of an existing wall that are offset from a component of the wall at a distance that you specify.

This offset command allows you to copy walls by offsetting them a clear distance from the face or center of a specific wall component, such as the stud or the wall finish.

  1. Select the wall you want to copy.
  2. Click Wall tabModify panelOffset drop-downCopy.
  3. Specify the location of the offset point:
    If you want to … Then …
    offset the wall from the face of a wall component move the cursor over the wall until the face of the component you want is highlighted with a red line, and click once.
    offset the wall from the center of a wall component press Ctrl, and move the cursor over the wall until the center of the component you want is highlighted. Click once.
  4. Specify the offset distance.
  5. Continue adding walls, each new wall offset from the face or center of the wall you added before it.

    You can specify a different offset distance each time you add another wall.

    Offset copying a wall segment from an existing wall segment component

  6. Press Enter.