About Working With Schedule Table Styles

Schedule table styles determine the content and appearance of schedule tables you add to drawings. You can customize a schedule table by adding headings, organizing columns, or specifying the sort order. The schedule table tools provided with the software have predefined styles and properties. You can customize these styles or create new ones.

Content and Format of Schedule Tables

Use schedule table styles to specify the following characteristics of schedule tables:

Flagging Out-of-Date Schedules

In a schedule table style, you can specify whether a schedule is updated when objects included in the schedule change. If you turn off the automatic update option, you can still determine whether data in the schedule reflects changes in the drawing. The display properties of the schedule style include an out-of-date marker. When this marker is turned on, a diagonal slash is drawn through the table when the schedule has not been updated. Updating the schedule removes the out-of-date marker.

Note: You should always update your schedules before plotting and not rely completely on the out-of-date-marker.

What You Need to Create a Schedule Table Style

Your drawings must contain the following information for you to create a new schedule table style:

The content and tools include schedule table styles for typical schedules, such as door and window schedules or room finish schedules. You can customize these styles for your projects.

Creating Styles for Matrix Schedules

In AutoCAD Architecture 2024 toolset, a matrix schedule is a table in which column headings identify object properties. A symbol, such as a dot or a cross, is displayed in cells to indicate that an object has the property identified. Matrix schedules are also called dot schedules.

You can define schedule table styles to include matrix columns for specific properties. In addition, you can control the following characteristics of matrix schedules or matrix columns in regular schedules:

If the property data displayed in a matrix column is a string containing a semicolon-delimited list of values, each value in the list will be displayed separately. You can use this format to assign multiple values to the same property, such as multiple floor materials in the same space.

Creating Tools from Schedule Table Styles

You can create a schedule table tool from a schedule table style by dragging the style from the Style Manager onto a tool palette. You can then specify settings for the tool properties.

Managing Schedule Table Styles

To create, edit, copy, or purge schedule table styles, you access the Style Manager. The Style Manager provides a central location for working with styles from multiple drawings and templates.