To Create a Napkin Sketch

Use this procedure to produce a napkin sketch in a plan, isometric, or elevation view. When you are working with three-dimensional (3D) drawings, unless your drawing is very simple, generate the napkin sketch from a two-dimensional (2D) hidden line projection, section, or elevation.

  1. Open a tool palette that contains a napkin sketch tool.

    A napkin sketch tool is located with the Helper Tools in the Stock Tool catalog.

  2. Select a napkin sketch tool.
  3. Select the objects to include in the napkin sketch, and press Enter.
  4. Enter a name for the block created of the napkin sketch.
  5. Specify a line format for generating the napkin sketch geometry:
    If you want to… Then…
    trace over objects once to create the appearance of a more accurate sketch select Tight.
    trace over objects twice to create a looser sketch select Loose.
    trace over objects three times to create a very loose sketch select Messy.
  6. Clear Extend Sketch Lines At Corners if you do not want the extended lines to appear on the napkin sketch.

    Extending sketch lines at corners

  7. Under Intended Plot Scale, select the scale at which you intend to plot the sketch, or select Other and enter a custom scale.
  8. Click OK.

    The napkin sketch geometry is generated and placed as a block reference over the drawing objects that you selected. Use the Move command to relocate the sketch block reference in the drawing, or cut and paste it into a new drawing.