To Reference an Element Into Multiple Constructs

Use this procedure to reference an element into multiple constructs.

This procedure is useful for updating a number of similar floor constructs in a building.

Referencing an element into a construct

  1. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Project Navigator .
  2. On the Constructs tab, locate the element to reference into multiple constructs, right-click, and click Attach Element to Constructs.
  3. Check the boxes of the constructs into which to reference the element.
    Note: As a shortcut, you can select an entire category for referencing.
  4. Define the referencing method:
    If you want to… Then…
    attach the element as an external reference select the construct, right-click, and click Set to Attach.
    Note: If the Set to Attach command is unavailable, the element is already set to attach.
    overlay the element as an external reference select the construct, right-click, and click Set to Overlay.
    Note: If the Set to Overlay command is unavailable, the element is already set to overlay.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 for each construct the element should be attached to.
  6. Click OK.

    Elements are attached at 0, 0, 0.