To Import Mask Block Definitions

Use this procedure to import a mask block definition from another drawing. After you create the definition, you edit the definition properties to customize the characteristics of the definition.

  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.

    The Style Manager is displayed, with the current drawing expanded in the tree view.

  2. On the File menu, click Open drawing to browse for the drawing that contains the definition that you want to copy to your current drawing.
  3. Select the drawing with the definition to copy, and click Open.
  4. Expand Multi-Purpose Objects, and expand Mask Block Definitions.
  5. Right-click the mask block definition to copy, and click Copy.
  6. Select the current drawing, and expand Multi-Purpose Objects.
  7. Right-click Mask Block Definitions, and click Paste.

    The definition is copied into the current drawing. If the current drawing already contains a definition with the same name, the duplicate names are displayed in the Import/Export - Duplicate Names Found dialog box.

  8. To resolve duplicate names, select one of the following options:
    • To not replace the existing definition in the drawing with the new definition of the same name, select Leave Existing, and click OK.
    • To replace the existing definition in the drawing with the new definition, select Overwrite Existing, and click OK.
    • To rename the new definition so both definitions exist in the drawing, select Rename to Unique, and click OK. New definition names are appended with a numeral in the Style Manager.
  9. Click OK.