About Importing Non-Autodesk 3D Models

You can import a number of non-Autodesk 3D model formats.

These formats at different version levels include the following:

Note: Some formats in this topic might not be available in all AutoCAD-based products.

The IMPORT command maps parts and assemblies to blocks and block references. Individual parts are mapped to blocks, which in turn are referenced from model space. Assemblies are formed by nesting "part" blocks. The name of the block is the same as the name of the corresponding part or assembly in the source 3D model. If a part or assembly name contains unsupported characters, in the corresponding block they are replaced by the underscore (_) character. If a part or assembly name is longer than the maximum block name length, the name is truncated. If this results in identically named blocks, a unique name is assigned to one of the blocks by appending the dollar character ($) to its name, along with a unique number. The original name is preserved in the block description.

Depending on how complex the source file is, the import process can take several minutes, and hence, runs as a background process. Once the background process starts, the Import status bar icon displays. If you hover over the Import status bar icon, a tooltip displays the current status.

Once processing is complete, a notification bubble is displayed on the import status bar icon. If you click the link in the notification bubble, the imported content is inserted in the current drawing. If you close the notification bubble before you insert the imported content, you can insert it later by right-clicking the import status bar icon and choosing "Insert" from the menu.