Settings for COM Port Dialog Box

Specifies the baud rate, protocol, flow control, and hardware handshaking for serial ports on plotters that support these settings.

PLOTTERMANAGER (Command) Find: Double-click a PC3 file > Ports tab > Configure Port

Note: The settings on your plotter must match the settings in the program or you cannot plot.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Baud Rate

Specifies the baud rate. Use the fastest available baud rate.


Displays the protocol settings available for your plotter. Use the protocol recommended by your device manufacturer. For more information see the documentation for your device.

Flow Control

Sets the flow control for your plotter. The default flow control setting is XON/XOFF (software handshaking) for compatibility with previous versions of the program.

If you select Hardware handshaking, you can specify additional settings in the Advanced Settings for COM Port dialog box that correspond to different pins on the RS232 connector.