Displays the Activity Insights palette to view events for the current drawing. The events can be filtered using the calendar, user, event, or search filters.


Filter Controls

In some cases the number of events for a drawing can become overwhelming. The provided filter controls are a way to reduce the amount of information being displayed on the palette and provide a way to narrow the results.

From left to right the filter controls are as follows:

Displays a drop-down with the following options:
  • All - Displays all of the events for the current drawing.
  • Today - Displays only today's events.
  • Last 7 days - Displays the events for the current date minus 7 calendar days.
  • Last 30 days - Displays the events for the current date minus 30 calendar days.
  • Last 3 months - Displays the events for the current date minus 90 calendar days.
  • Custom - Displays a calender for selecting two or more dates. The specified dates are highlighted in blue.
Displays a list of user names that have contributed events to the current drawing file. The user drop-down includes all user names regardless of any active date range or event filters.
Displays a list of events associated with the current drawing file. Selecting an event filters the list for the current drawing. One or more events from the list can be selected. The list is not filtered by an active date or user filter.

Not every change to a drawing is logged as a specific event. For example, general drawing edits like drawing a line or circle are logged as an Edited event after you save the drawing, while printing and publishing will be logged as a Published event.

Below is a list of some of the types of events:

Action Activity Insights Event
Saving an unnamed drawing New drawing created
Saving changes to a drawing Saved
Actions with Xrefs Partial list of Xref events:
  • Referenced a DWG
  • Referenced by other DWG
  • Bound a DWG
Published Partial list of publish events:
  • Published to PDF
  • Published to hardcopy
Drawing file cleanup Partial list of cleanup events:
  • Purged
  • Audited
Search filters events associated with the current drawing file by path and filename. Search can be used on its own or in combination with the calendar, user, and event filters.
Note: If the active filter results in no events being found, the palette displays "No events found".