To Work With Plot Style Table Conversions

You can convert a drawing from one type of plot style table to another.

Convert a Drawing to Use Named Plot Styles

  1. At the command prompt, enter convertpstyles.
  2. Click OK when the alert box appears.
  3. In the Select File dialog box, select a named plot style table to use for the Model tab and any layouts that use plot style tables of the same name.
  4. Click Open.

    A message is displayed to confirm that the drawing was converted.

    Note: If the Display Plot Styles option was already selected in the dialog box, you must enter regen at the command prompt to display the plot style settings.

Convert a Drawing to Use Color-dependent Plot Styles

With this conversion, plot style names assigned to the objects in the drawing are lost.

  1. At the command prompt, enter convertpstyles.
  2. Click OK.

    A message is displayed to confirm that the drawing was converted.

Convert a Color-dependent Plot Style Table Into a Named Plot Style Table

With this conversion, any color dependent plot style tables attached to layouts in the drawing are removed; named plot styles are attached in their place.

  1. At the command prompt, enter convertctb.
  2. In the Select File dialog box, select the name of the plot style table to convert, and then click Open. By default, plot style tables are saved in the Plot Styles folder.
  3. Enter the new plot style table name. Click Save.
  4. Click OK when the alert box appears.
Note: Be sure to use the Plot Style Table Editor to change the names of the plot styles in their new plot style table to be more meaningful before using the plot style table with any drawings.