FAQ: Why Am I Not Getting Activity Insight Events?

This topic covers the most common reasons why you might not be seeing any Activity Insights events.

Not Signed In

Be sure to sign into your Autodesk account from within your product. If you are not signed in, events are not collected for Activity Insights events.

Not the Right Product

Not all Autodesk products support Activity Insights events. Currently, only AutoCAD and the AutoCAD-based specialized toolsets support viewing events. AutoCAD LT can log events but events can't be viewed from these products. AutoCAD for Mac and AutoCAD LT for Mac do not support viewing or logging events. We are working to include more products in the future.

Account and License Type

Activity Insights are only available if:

  • You are on the named user plan.
  • You are an AutoCAD user
  • You have a commercial license; not a Not for Resale (NFR), trial, or educational license.

Activity Insights Event Location is No Longer Valid

Events are written to the Activity Insights Event Location specified in the Files tab of the Options dialog box. If that location is no longer valid or accessible, previous events can't be displayed on the Activity Insights palette.

Only Seeing My Own Events

The default location for the Activity Insights Event Location is C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Autodesk\ActivityInsights\Common. Change this to a shared location so that any drawing activity is logged in a single, shared location regardless of who works on it.

Note: AutoCAD LT does not currently support viewing Activity Insights. However, AutoCAD LT does support logging the drawing activity. To make sure you capture all drawing activity, your collaborators using AutoCAD LT should set this system variable on the command line to the same shared location.

Events Processing

It can take a minute or so to process existing events and refresh the palette after the event location is updated to point to the shared folder.