Hatch Tab (Hatch and Gradient Dialog Box)

HATCH (Command) Find: Specify the settings option at the prompt

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Type and Pattern

Specifies the hatch’s type, pattern, color, and background color.


Specifies whether to create a predefined, user-defined, or custom hatch pattern.

Predefined patterns are stored in the following files, which are supplied with the program:
  • AutoCAD: acad.pat or acadiso.pat
  • AutoCAD LT: acadlt.pat or acadltiso.pat

User-defined patterns are based on the current linetype in your drawing. A custom pattern is a pattern that is defined in any custom PAT files that you have added to the search path.


Displays a selection of ANSI, ISO, and other industry-standard hatch patterns. Select SOLID to create solid fill. The Pattern option is available only when Type is set to Predefined. (HPNAME system variable)

[] Button

Displays the Hatch Pattern Palette dialog box, in which you can preview images for all predefined patterns.


Overrides the current color with a specified color for hatch patterns and solid fills. (HPCOLOR system variable)

Background Color

Specifies the background color for new hatch objects. Choose None to turn off the background color. (HPBACKGROUNDCOLOR system variable)


Displays a preview of the selected pattern. Click the swatch to display the Hatch Pattern Palette dialog box.

Custom Pattern

Lists the available custom patterns. The most recently used custom patterns appear at the top of the list. The Custom Pattern option is available only when Type is set to Custom. (HPNAME system variable)

[] Button

Displays the Hatch Pattern Palette dialog box, in which you can preview images for all custom patterns.

Angle and Scale

Specifies an angle and scale for the selected hatch pattern.


Specifies an angle for the hatch pattern relative to the X axis of the current UCS. ( HPANG system variable)


Expands or contracts a predefined or custom pattern. This option is available only when Type is set to Predefined or Custom. ( HPSCALE system variable)


For user-defined patterns, draws a second set of lines at 90 degrees to the original lines, creating a crosshatch. This option is available only when Type is set to User Defined. ( HPDOUBLE system variable)

Relative to Paper Space

Scales the hatch pattern relative to paper space units. This allows you to display hatch patterns at a scale that is appropriate for your named layout. This option is available only from a named layout.


Specifies the spacing of lines in a user-defined pattern. This option is available only when Type is set to User Defined. ( HPSPACE system variable)

ISO Pen Width

Scales an ISO predefined pattern based on the selected pen width. This option is available only when Type is set to Predefined and Pattern is set to one of the available ISO patterns.

Hatch Origin

Controls the starting location of hatch pattern generation. Some hatches, such as brick patterns, are meant to be aligned with a point on the hatch boundary. By default, all hatch origins correspond to the current UCS origin.

Use Current Origin

Uses the hatch origin point stored in the HPORIGIN system variable.

Specified Origin

Assigns a new hatch origin using the following options.

Click to Set New Origin

Specifies the new hatch origin point directly.

Default to Boundary Extents

Calculates a new origin based on the rectangular extents of the boundary for the hatch object. Choices include each of the four corners of the extents and its center. ( HPORIGINMODE system variable)

Store as Default Origin

Stores the value of the new hatch origin in the HPORIGIN system variable.