Component Catalog Lookup Dialog Box

This tool creates a component-specific or general family catalog table.

Insert Component

 Command entry:  AECOMPONENT

On the Insert/Edit dialog box, click Catalog Lookup. If there is no catalog table for the component, an alert displays. Click OK.

Insert Footprint (Icon Menu)

 Command entry:  AEFOOTPRINT

On the Insert/Edit dialog box, click Catalog Lookup. If there is no catalog table for the footprint, an alert displays. Click OK.

Option A

Creates a catalog table now.


Creates a component-specific catalog table. The name of this catalog table matches the block name for the component (minus the "H" or "V" first letter). For example, both horizontal and vertical versions of a standard, N.O. push button ("HPB11" and "VPB11") reference the same component-specific catalog look up table "PB11".


Creates a family catalog table. The name of this catalog table consists of the 2nd and 3rd characters of the block name for the component. For panel footprints, the name consists of the first two characters of the WDBLKNAM value. For example, all the limit switch blocks used on your schematics have "LS" embedded in their block names: "HLS11", "HLS12", "VLS11", and so on. Instead of a component-specific catalog file, you can create a general limit switch catalog look up table, "LS." This table is referenced if a component-specific version is not found.

Option B

References a miscellaneous table.


References a table called "MISC_CAT." This general catalog table is set up in the .mdb file with all component types in it. If found, this catalog information displays in the dialog box for component catalog number selection.