To Work With Inserting Panel Footprints

Insert from Icon Menu

  1. Click Panel tabInsert Component Footprints panelInsert Footprints drop-downIcon Menu. Find
  2. In the Insert Footprint dialog box, select the component to insert from the Symbol Preview window and click OK.
  3. On the Footprint dialog box, choose one of the following:
    • Choice A - make catalog assignment for automatic footprint selection.
    • Choice B - manual footprint selection or creation.
    • Choice C - in cases where a manufacturer and catalog is given but is not in a lookup file, AutoCAD Electrical toolset enables this option allowing you to add an entry in the footprint database.
  4. Insert or draw the footprint.
  5. Enter values in the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box.
  6. Click OK.

Copy a Footprint

  1. Click Panel tabEdit Footprints panelCopy Footprint. Find
  2. Select the panel component to copy.
  3. Click the drawing to specify the insertion point or enter a value.

    The Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box displays.

  4. Specify any necessary values such as the component tag, catalog information, or description.
  5. Click OK.

Insert Manually

  1. Click Panel tabInsert Component Footprints panelInsert Footprints drop-downManual. Find
  2. In the Insert Component Footprint -- Manual dialog box, select:
    • Use generic marker only - Insert a block to annotate with the tag, description text, and so on, of the component.
    • Draw shapes - draw a rectangle, circle, or octagon to represent the component.
    • Pick “just like” footprint - Select a block from the drawing.
    • Browse - pick a block from a list of files on disk.
    • Pick - pick a non-AutoCAD Electrical toolset block on the drawing to change into a smart AutoCAD Electrical toolset block.
  3. Insert or draw the footprint.
  4. Enter values in the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box.
  5. Click OK.

Insert from Schematic List

  1. Insert a schematic symbol in a drawing. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, assign Component Tag, Manufacturer, and Catalog values and click OK.
  2. Save the drawing and navigate to the drawing you want to add a panel footprint to.
  3. Click Panel tabInsert Component Footprints panelInsert Footprints drop-downSchematic List. Find
  4. In the Schematic Components List Panel Layout Insert dialog box, select Project and click OK.
  5. In the Select Drawings to Process dialog box, select the drawing that has the schematic symbol you inserted. Click Process, and then click OK.

    This extracts a list of all schematic devices found in the drawing and displays them in a dialog box for selection.

  6. In the Schematic Components dialog box, select the schematic component you inserted and click Insert.
    • AutoCAD Electrical toolset takes the manufacturer attribute value (MFG) and finds a table in the footprint database with this name.
    • AutoCAD Electrical toolset queries this specific vendor table using the catalog attribute value (CAT) of the selected entry and returns the block name from the matched record.
    • The Insert Footprint command starts and prompts for the insertion point for the footprint block.
  7. Pick the insertion point and orientation.
    • The values of the schematic symbol are copied to the footprint representation.
    • The selected item is checked off the list in the Schematic Components dialog box (an "x" appears in the left-hand column) to track what has been inserted.
  8. In the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box, click OK.
  9. In the Schematic Components dialog box, click Close.

Insert from Vendor Menu

  1. Click Panel tabInsert Component Footprint panelInsert Footprints drop-downManufacturer Menu . Find
  2. In the Vendor Menu Selection dialog box, select the vendor menu to use and click OK. You can select one from the list or click Browse to search for a vendor (.pnl) menu file.
    Note: This dialog box is also available by clicking Vendor Menu Select on the Vendor Panel Footprint dialog box after a vendor is first selected.
  3. In the Vendor Panel Footprint dialog box, select the component to insert from the Symbol Preview window and click OK.

    Clicking an icon inserts the footprint into the active drawing as defined by the command in the .pnl file.

  4. Select the insertion point on the screen.

Insert from Equipment List

  1. Click Panel tabInsert Component Footprints panelInsert Footprints drop-downEquipment List. Find
  2. Browse to and select your equipment list.
  3. Select the sheet name if prompted.
  4. Define the settings for the equipment list on the Settings dialog box. This includes assigning column numbers to data categories, such as Manufacturer, Catalog, and Installation.
  5. Click OK on the Settings dialog box. The equipment is displayed in the Panel equipment in {file name} dialog box.
  6. Select an item and click Insert.
    • AutoCAD Electrical toolset takes the manufacturer attribute value (MFG) and finds a table in the footprint database with this name.
    • AutoCAD Electrical toolset queries this specific vendor table using the catalog attribute value (CAT) of the selected entry and returns the block name from the matched record.
    • The Insert Footprint command starts and prompts for the insertion point for the footprint block.
  7. Pick the insertion point and orientation.
    • The values from the equipment list are copied to the footprint representation.
  8. In the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box, enter additional component values and click OK.
  9. In the Panel equipment in {file name} dialog box, click Close.

Insert from User-Defined Pick List

  1. Click Panel tabInsert Component Footprints panelInsert Footprints drop-downUser Defined List. Find
  2. In the Panel footprint: Select and Insert by or Description Pick dialog box, select a component.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select the insertion point and orientation.
  5. Enter values in the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box.
  6. Click OK.