About Wires

AutoCAD Electrical toolset treats line entities as wires when the lines are found on an AutoCAD Electrical toolset-defined wire layer. You can have many wire layers set up on your drawing. Each wire layer has a descriptive name like "RED_16" or "BLK_14_THW" and is assigned a screen color to mimic the wire color visually. Wires do not have to begin or end at snap points, and they do not have to be orthogonal (they can be skewed at any angle).

A wire network is one or more wire line segments and optional branches that interconnect and form an electrically unbroken conductor. Wire segments of the network may contain in-line terminals and wire crossing gaps. All segments of a wire network receive the same wire number unless you select On per Wire Basis in the Wire Number Options section of the Project Properties Wire Numbers dialog box (on the Project Manager, right-click the project name and select Properties). When multiple wires are tied to a common wire connection point, each wire is treated as an independent wire network and receives its own unique wire number assignment by AutoCAD Electrical toolset

Note: A wire connection point should only have up to three wire connections tied to it. Adding more wires to a single point prevents the angled wire connection to tie uniquely to the wire connection point.