Electromechanical Link Setup Dialog Box

Displays the electromechanical link file properties and the linked AutoCAD Electrical toolset and Inventor project properties. After you have created a new electromechanical project or linked to an existing electromechanical project, this dialog provides you a detailed summary of your electromechanical project setup.

List of Options

Electromechanical Link File Properties

Displays the electromechanical link file path, filename, and the folder location.

Link File Path
Displays the file path location.
Electromechanical Link File Name
Displays the name of the electromechanical file.
Specify Shared Folder
Displays the folder location. The folder can be on your local or network drives.

Electromechanical Link Properties

Displays the linked AutoCAD and Inventor projects including assemblies and subassemblies.

Connected Electrical Project
Displays the linked AutoCAD Electrical toolset project.
Connected Inventor Project
Displays the linked Inventor project.
Connected Assemblies/Subassemblies
Displays all the connected Inventor assemblies and subassemblies.

Sync Settings

Specifies which data (AutoCAD Electrical toolset versus Inventor) must be preferred when there is a link conflict during the sync operation. If the same component is re-linked, preference is given to the local component. Default setting is AutoCAD Electrical toolset.

AutoCAD Electrical toolset
Sets the data preference for AutoCAD Electrical toolset during sync.
Sets the data preference for Inventor during sync.

Unlink Project

Opens the Unlink Electrical Project dialog box, where you can unlink your AutoCAD Electrical toolset project file from the electromechanical linked file.


Closes the dialog box.