Choose Destination Wire Layers to Update Dialog Box

Defines and updates the destination wire layers.

 Command entry:  AESYNCWIRETYPE

Select Destination Wire Layers to Update

Lists the destination wires to be updated to match the wire type of source wire layer.


Selects or deselects a wire for the wire layer update.

Note: This option is available only when a wire is selected in the list.


Opens the Pending Wire Type Updates which displays more information about the wire type update.


Applies the changes and processes the synchronization.


Skips the checking of the destination wire type mismatches for the selected network.

Note: Synchronizing the wire type updates only the layer type but not the wire number. To update the wire number, click Schematic tabInsert Wires/Wire Numbers panelWire Numbers or enter aewireno at the Command prompt and select the individual wire. You can also perform a project-wide update to update the wire number.