To Work With Conduit Markers

How to insert and edit conduit markers.

Conduit Tools ribbon panel

The Conduit Tools ribbon panel is hidden by default. To display it:

  1. Select the Panel tab.
  2. Right-click in an open area of the ribbon.
  3. Select Show Panels Conduit Tools.

Insert Using the Conduit Marker (Pick) tool

  1. Click Panel tabConduit Tools panelConduit Markers drop-downInsert Marker. Find
  2. Type S and press Enter to set up the conduit marker.
  3. Specify the text for the marker tag and the scale for the marker block. Click OK.
  4. Select the line that represents the conduit for the marker on the drawing.
  5. Click points to define the leader and press Enter.
  6. Select the conduit tag and press Enter.
  7. Specify the conduit tag, catalog information, conduit size, description, or included wires in the Insert or Edit Conduit/WirewayLabel dialog box.

    The conduit marker symbol carries wire information intelligence pulled from the AutoCAD Electrical toolset drawings.

  8. Click OK.

Insert Using the Conduit Marker (From/To List) tool

  1. Click Panel tabConduit Tools panelConduit Markers drop-downInsert From List. Find
  2. Select the line that represents the conduit for the marker on the drawing.
  3. Click points to define the leader and click Enter or the right mouse button.
  4. Select the location codes for the conduit marker and click OK. These build the From/To combination for the Wire Run From/To Report.
  5. Specify the conduit tag, catalog information, conduit size, description, or included wires in the Insert or Edit Conduit/WirewayLabel dialog box.

    The conduit marker symbol carries wire information intelligence pulled from the AutoCAD Electrical toolset drawings.

  6. Click OK.

Edit Conduit Marker

  1. Click Panel tabConduit Tools panelEdit Marker. Find
  2. Pick the conduit to edit.
  3. Change the conduit tag, catalog information, conduit size, description, or included wires in the Insert or Edit Conduit/Wireway Label dialog box.
  4. Click OK.