To Draw Double Line Arc Segments

  1. Click Draw menu Double Line.
  2. Specify a start point.
  3. At the Command prompt, enter a (Arc).
  4. Specify a point if you want to use the three-point method to create the arc, or enter one of the following options at the Command prompt:
    • To draw an arc by specifying the center and either the endpoint and/or an included angle, enter ce. Then specify a center point, enter an included angle and second point (both optional) and an endpoint.
    • To draw an arc by specifying the endpoint and an included angle or center point, enter e. Then specify an endpoint and an included angle.
  5. If you want to draw a straight line segment, enter L (Line) and continue specifying points.
  6. To connect the start point with the endpoint, enter cL (Close). Otherwise, press Enter to complete the double line.