Controls the settings of pointer input tooltips.
: .The following options are displayed.
Controls coordinate format in the tooltips that are displayed when pointer input is turned on.
Displays the tooltip for the second or next point in polar coordinate format. Enter a comma (,) to change to Cartesian format. (DYNPIFORMAT system variable)
Displays the tooltip for the second or next point in Cartesian coordinate format. Enter an angle symbol (<) to change to polar format. (DYNPIFORMAT system variable)
Displays the tooltip for the second or next point in relative coordinate format. Enter a pound sign (#) to change to absolute format. (DYNPICOORDS system variable)
Displays the tooltip for the second or next point in absolute coordinate format. Enter an at sign ( ) to change to relative format. Note that you cannot use the direct distance method when this option is selected. (DYNPICOORDS system variable)
Controls when pointer input is displayed. (DYNPIVIS system variable)
When pointer input is turned on, displays tooltips only when you start to enter coordinate data. (DYNPIVIS system variable)
When pointer input is turned on, displays tooltips whenever a command prompts you for a point. (DYNPIVIS system variable)
Always displays tooltips when pointer input is turned on. (DYNPIVIS system variable)