You can adjust the color and display schemes used in the application and drawing windows, and control the behavior of general features such as grip editing behavior.
Many of the settings are available from shortcut menus and the Application Preferences dialog box. Some user interface elements, such as the presence and location of menu items, can be specified and saved using the Customize dialog box.
Palettes can be docked or floating. You can auto-hide your docked palettes to increase your drawing area. Auto-hide affects all docked palettes. The title bar for each docked palette remains visible. Mouse over the title bar for the palette you want to show, and the palette automatically expands.
Some settings affect how you work in the drawing area:
Several types of tooltips provide pop-up information for interaction with toolbars, object snaps, and drafting operations.
Tooltips are displayed for tools on the Tool Sets and other palettes in the user interface. Hover the cursor over the control to display the tooltip.