To Create an AutoCAD-Based Symbol From an Existing Symbol or Block

  1. If necessary, open the parametric MvPart in Content Builder.
  2. In the part browser, right-click Symbol and Annotation Plane, and click Visible.
    Note: Although this makes the plane visible in the drawing area, its position on the Z axis in the World Coordinate System (WCS) is high above the WCS origin, so you might need to zoom out to view the plane. You can also change the position of the plane if desired.
  3. Right-click Symbol and Annotation Plane, and click Set View.

    This changes the view direction to Top (plan) view, which is the default view for the plane as well as the most common view for adding schematic symbols.

  4. In the part browser, expand Symbol and Annotation Plane, right-click Design Blocks, and click Insert AutoCAD Block.
  5. In the Insert dialog box, click Browse, navigate to the drawing that contains the symbol or block you want to insert, and select it.
  6. For Name, select the name of the symbol or block.
    Note: If the drawing contains only a single symbol or block, you can select the drawing name instead. In this case, also click Explode to explode the drawing-level block that contains all of the blocks in the drawing. This exposes the single block inside the drawing so the software can retrieve it.
  7. Specify the insertion point, scale, and rotation angle; and click OK.

    Alternatively, you can click Specify On-screen for one or more of these settings to specify the value when you insert the symbol or block.

  8. In the drawing, if necessary, specify the insertion point and rotation angle.
  9. Enter y (yes) or press Enter to use the block as the schematic symbol.
  10. Specify whether to erase the source geometry of the symbol:
    • Enter n (no) and press Enter to keep the source geometry in the part.
    • Enter y (yes) or press Enter to erase the source geometry.

    The software explodes the symbol or block, and adds a Design Block to the Symbol and Annotation Plane in the part browser.

    Adding design block

    The Design Block represents the schematic block that you have added. Typically, you create only one symbol and, therefore, only one Design Block for a part.

  11. If desired, add annotation to the schematic symbol.
  12. If desired, specify the use of the schematic symbol instead of a model-generated view in 1-line and 2-line display representations in Top (plan) view:
    • In the part browser, click .
    • In the Options dialog box, click Display Symbol In Plan View, and click OK.
  13. Click (Save Part Family).
  14. Click to close the part browser.