AMANNOTE (Command)

Creates a textual annotation that can be attached to an object in a drawing view.



This command works only in a layout. When you move a view, the annotation moves with the view. You can also use this command to parametrically attach items such as surface finish symbols and GD&T symbols to drawing views.

Note: Inventor Link is available only on 64-bit systems, and it is not installed by default.

List of Prompts

The following prompts are displayed.


Attaches additional objects to an existing annotation.

Select annotation
Specifies the annotation to edit.
Select Object
Specifies the object to attach to the annotation. Press ENTER when you are done.


Detaches specified objects from an existing annotation.


Deletes an existing annotation.


Detaches an annotation from the view it is associated with, but does not delete it.


Moves an annotation to another location, maintaining its association with the view to which it is attached.

Annotation location
Specifies the new location of the annotation.


Creates an annotation object from selected geometry and associates it to a specified view.

Select objects
Select the geometry to attach to. Press ENTER when you are done.