In this exercise you display data from a digital elevation model (DEM).
DEM files make use of a palette color map, which is very versatile. This type of color map uses a palette of colors in which each color represents a range of values. The values can be surface elevation, slope, or aspect (slope direction). Each color can represent an equal range of values, or the ranges can be calculated using a formula for quantile or standard deviation distribution.
A quantile distribution assigns an equal number of values to each range (color), and adjusts the range spread accordingly. If your land surface has a majority of data values clustered around a subset of the full range, the individual ranges for that subset will be narrower to show that area in greater detail.
A standard deviation distribution sets the spread of each range equal to one standard deviation for the full set of data values in the file. The center six ranges of the palette cover the spread of values in the file. If the image has a set of values that approximate a normal distribution, the third and fourth ranges together represent about 68% of the full range. The dividing line between these two center ranges is the arithmetic mean value of the data set.
While palette color maps are complex, they can also be saved for ease of reuse with other files, including DEM and 16-bit integer formats.
In this exercise you will import an existing palette, located in the folder \Tutorial5.
The palette color map includes additional controls not covered in this exercise.
Before doing this exercise, you should ensure that AutoCAD Raster Design toolset options are set as described in the exercise Exercise A1: Setting AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset Options.
Insert a DEM image
The DEM image is inserted in the drawing, using the default palette color map.
This view of the land surface shows elevations in shades of gray.
In the next few steps, we will examine the information contained in this color map and explore some other views of the same data file.
Edit the color map
By using the scroll bar on the far right of the dialog box, you can see that the palette has 256 color ranges defined. The Range Spread column shows that each color represents an elevation range of about 2.4 feet. The Range Upper Value column shows you that the elevations in the image range from 732 feet down to 126 feet (128.3765 minus 2.3765).
The Data Interpretation setting (on the left side of the Palette Color Map Definition dialog box) shows you that the image displays Value rather than surface height, slope, or aspect (slope direction). The Value Distribution setting shows you that the palette colors represent equal ranges that are calculated mathematically (parametric) rather than set manually.
Further exploration: Change the Data Interpretation setting to Height (meters), and you immediately see the values in the Range Table converted to meters. Select other Data Interpretation options, and in each case, the range values change to show the new interpretation.
In the next few steps, we will create a new color map that uses a smaller number of data ranges.
The Range Table automatically adjusts to the new palette, so the elevation range is spread equally across 22 colors.
In the next few steps, we will change the color map to use a quantile distribution of ranges.
Create a quantile color map
The Range Table automatically adjusts to the elevation data, allocating an equal number of data points to each range. As a result, the elevation spread for each range is variable. Around elevations of 300–325 feet and 415–440 feet, we see narrow ranges, indicating a relatively large number of readings in these ranges. Around 575–732 feet, the ranges are wide, indicating fewer instances of these elevations.
The controls in this dialog box allow you to easily compare the effects of different color maps.
Create a hillshading color map
In the Range Table, note that all of the ranges are set to the gray tone you selected.
This color map exaggerates the topographic relief of the surface and simulates a light source in the upper left to cast shadows on the terrain.
Further exploration: Return to the Palette Color Map Definition dialog box and create more color maps that