This tutorial shows you how to use
AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to work with images of photographs and maps.
AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to enhance the usefulness of aerial photographs, satellite images, and maps:
- Correlate images to the vector geometry in your AutoCAD drawings.
- Export images with correlation files so that they can be used in other drawings and applications.
- Correct image distortions.
- Improve the readability of images.
- Extract valuable information from map images, such as soils maps and US Geological Survey (USGS) quad sheets.
- Insert images from the Internet.
- Create displayable maps from digital elevation models (DEM).
- Use multispectral satellite images to display special features of a land surface.
- Convert grayscale images to bitonal (black and white) to isolate features of interest.
- Create vector objects by tracing raster entities such as soil boundaries, streams, and contours.
- Remove unneeded areas of images and make areas transparent.
- Create image mosaics of multiple images to cover large areas.
- Create new images by merging existing images together.
The lessons in this tutorial show you how to use
AutoCAD Raster Design toolset with the following images:
- An aerial photograph showing current land use for a proposed development.
- A Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soils map showing soil boundaries and soil types for the region around the development.
- Two adjacent USGS quad sheets showing the physical characteristics of the region.
- A digital elevation model.
- A four-band set of multispectral satellite images.