Set input values on ports

Use the Parameter Editor to set input values on the unconnected ports of the selected node. If the Parameter Editor is not displayed, choose Edit > Parameter Editor.

Parameter Editor


The first time that you change the value of an unconnected input in a graph, the whole graph must be recompiled before it can be executed again with the new value. This can take some time but when it happens, the graph is recompiled using dynamic constants at that level. This means that subsequent value changes at the same level do not require recompilation, which makes updates much faster.

For numeric values, move the pointer over the field or label until it changes to a slider, and then:

Slider in parameter editor

When using the slider, click and drag to the right to increase values or to the left to decrease values. The slider wraps at the edge of the screen, so you can drag continuously.

The slider’s rate of change is exponential: dragging it to the right about 150 pixels doubles the current value, and dragging it twice as far quadruples it. You can adjust the speed with modifier keys:

When the value is between -1 and 1, the rate of change is linear instead of exponential. This makes it easier to fine-tune the value, and prevents it from becoming trapped at 0.

For a vector or matrix, using the slider on the label scales all components by the same amount. The exception is when all components are 0, in which case it adds the same amount to each component. To modify a single component, use the slider on an individual numeric box.

To set multiple values at once:

  1. Click in a numeric box or a parameter label to highlight it.
  2. Shift+click to highlight additional boxes or labels.
  3. Use slider over any of the highlighted boxes or labels to adjust them all together.