In this exercise, you will use the Astronomic Direction Calculator to calculate an azimuth from solar observations by the hour angle method.
To calculate the azimuth, you can use either a single foresight or a multiple foresight. For this exercise, you will use a multiple foresight because it is the more commonly used solar observation method.
This exercise continues from Exercise 3: Creating Survey Data Using the Survey Command Window.
Calculate an azimuth using the Astronomic Direction Calculator
This exercise uses Survey-4C.dwg with the modifications you made in the previous exercise.
Calculation Type
Observation Station Data
Ephemeris Data
A new observation set named Set:1 is displayed in the table.
The observations will determine the true astronomic direction from the station point to the backsight point. Notice that after you enter the stop time for an observation, the observed and average direction are calculated automatically.
A new observation set named Set:2 is displayed in the table.
A new observation set named Set:3 is displayed in the table.
After you have entered the above data, notice that the Mean Direction value calculated by the Astronomic Direction Calculator is SOUTH87.967088EAST (if the drawing settings Direction Measurement Type is set to Bearings).
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 5: Creating Figures from Parcels.