Exercise 2: Exporting Parcel Data

In this exercise, you will generate a mapcheck report for the parcels in the residential road at the top right of the drawing.

In Autodesk Civil 3D you can export inverse or mapcheck reports for either a single parcel, a series of parcels, or all parcels in a site.

This exercise continues from Exercise 1: Changing Parcel Style Display Order.

To export parcel data


    This exercise uses Parcel-3A.dwg with the modifications you made in the previous exercise.

  1. On the ToolspaceProspector tab, expand SitesSite 1Parcels.
  2. In the list view below the Prospector tree, click the heading of the Number column to sort the parcels by number.
  3. Select parcel numbers 120 through 136. Parcel number 136, STANDARD: 131, represents the road on which the parcels are located. Ctrl+click parcel number 136 in the list view to deselect it and exclude it from the analysis.
  4. In the list view, right-click and select Export Analysis.
  5. In the Export Parcel Analysis dialog box, specify the following parameters:
    • Destination File: Click and navigate to the My Tutorial Data folder. Name the file ExportAnalysis.txt.
    • Analysis Type: Mapcheck Analysis
  6. Click OK.

    The ExportAnalysis.txt file automatically opens in the text editor associated with Autodesk Civil 3D and is saved in the location you specified in Step 5.


    If the file does not automatically open, open it from the My Tutorial Data folder.