For materials for which you want to apply gaps, keep the Apply check box selected and define the Run Out and Run In distances. These distances apply to the material before and after the gaps. In the following illustration, the green areas 1 and 2 represent gaps in the material (5). Gap 1 does not have a run out distance. However, Gap 1 has a run in distance of 40m as represented by the red area number 3.
Gap 2 has a run out distance of 75m as represented by the red area number 4.
These gaps would be defined as follows:
Gap 1
- Start Station: 0+000
- End Station: 0+300
- Run Out Distance: 0.00
- Run In Distance: 40.00
Gap 2
- Start Station: 0+700
- End Station: 1+200
- Run Out Distance: 75.00
- Run In Distance: 0.00