Reorder Prompted Entries Reference

Changes the order of prompted entries included in a drawing resource, for example, in a sketch symbol or title block. The ordered list of prompted entries is displayed in the Edit Property Fields and Prompted Texts dialog box.


In the drawing browser, right-click a drawing resource which includes two or more prompted entries, and select Reorder Prompted Entries from the menu.

Prompted Entries

Lists all prompted entries included in the selected drawing resource object. Select one or several prompted entries in the list to move them to the desired position.

Move Down

Moves the selected prompted entry (entries) one row down in the list. Available only if one or several contiguous prompted entries are selected.

Move Up

Moves the selected prompted entry (entries) one row up in the list. Available only if one or several contiguous prompted entries are selected.
Tip: Drag the selected prompted entries to the desired position in the list. The prompted entries are grouped and inserted in their original order.